MRU 2020

Despite a pushed back date and the race directors hosting the event from lock down in Melbourne the Margaret River Ultra 2020 was a huge success over the weekend!

In a normal year many competitors travel from interstate and internationally to attend the picturesque yet brutal 5 stage 80km course, but this is not a normal year. Covid delivered a field that was purely a WA field and the “Sand Gropers” turned out in force. 1300 competitors took part doubling the attendance of last year - no doubt this can be attributed to the number of cancelled running events in the 2020 calendar but also to my thinking a testament to growth of the local trail running scene in WA.

We enjoyed last years run as a group of 4 and fielded a respectable 13th overall but could not convince Joel to keep the group together so it was Trent, Barry and I that returned to the race this year as a team of 3 - the BT3!

A destination event, we made a weekend of it and travelled down to Margaret River on Friday. We stayed at the pet friendly “Straw House” @ Witchcliffe just outside of Margaret River. It meant that we had room for 2 families and 2 dogs to relax before and after the race.

Friday evening saw us at the Cheeky Monkey brewery to carb load from a racer focused menu, do race bib and shirt pick up and listen to the course markers notes as part of the race briefing. I must note the local team really stepped up this year, I am sure having the event race promoter and director stuck in Melbourne caused no end of headaches. Despite this challenge and double the field the event went off without a hitch.

Knowing the course and the 5 different stages from last year we broke up the course with

Barry on Stage 1 and 4 (10.5km and 18km),

Trent on the beach for Stage 3 (18km) and

Mark (myself) on Stage 2 and 5 (18km and 13.5km)


BT3 finish!

All 3 runners beaten by the 6 year old for the line

Given the event date in October (normally May) it was much warmer than last year but I think the event was better for it - the day was stunning despite the midday and afternoon heat in the later stages. Slight variations to last years course gave some new points of interest and I found the changes to stage 5 meant being able to hear the finish line before I saw it making for a thrilling finish. Barry and Trent made good time through the harder stages and set me up for a strong finish. We weren’t as fast this year without Joel but we did come in with a respectable 4th of 14 in the Men’s team of 2 or 3 category.

Even with it being a tougher run this year the smile was still there on my face when I jumped the creek just before entering the finishing chute. The logistics of getting 3 runners and crews in place at the finish line worked this year and the BT3 got to cross the line together.

A challenging course conquered, the buzz of the crowd, the cheers of the team and my son Aston and a cold beer - definitely this is what running is about for me.

It’s why I am always looking for


Sunday’s Kids Race

Returning after his first race event last year- Aston smashed out a PB run!


Initial Findings


Not a race report - DNF @ Birdy’s Backyard Ultra 2020